Communication skillsEtiquette

How to write a resignation letter + tips for more effectiveness

Anyone in any job may find themselves in a situation where they must resign. In such a situation, in addition to verbal arrangements, we must submit our resignation letter to our manager and organization. Writing this letter has principles and rules that are better to learn. In this article, we have written these principles and regulations and a sample resignation letter. So stay with us until the end of the article.

Why should we write a resignation letter?

A resignation letter is an official document that shows that you have left your job. As stated in the letter, the human resources unit will settle your account based on the date you left the job. Once they receive the letter, they usually file it in your file. You sometimes have to write a resignation letter, depending on the work type. Also, in the text of the resignation letter, you should mention essential points for managing affairs in your absence until the replacement of a new person.

Resignation letter text

The resignation letter consists of the following 5 parts:

  1. Announcements: excuse me;
  2. last working day;
  3. thanking;
  4. referring to the future or stating important information;
  5. Signature.

How to write a resignation letter?

Before writing the termination letter, verbally announce your resignation to the manager and the human resources department. Many companies need at least a month to replace you. Also, it may be necessary to send your letter to one or more people according to the customs and internal rules of the organization. After the arrangements, you can write your resignation letter by following the steps below.

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1. Enter the date and time of writing the letter

If you send the letter by email, you do not need to follow this point because every email contains the date and time of shipping. But if you deliver the letter in print or handwritten, be sure to write the date and time of writing on the top left side of the page.

2. Set the title of the letter

After writing the resignation letter in the center of the page, on the right side of the letter, write the name of the person or people to whom the letter is addressed.

3. Announce your resignation and the reason

Clearly announce your resignation and explain the reason for it so the resignation text is compelling. For example, say that you intend to leave your current job for family and personal reasons, such as education, immigration, or a new job.

4. Specify your last working week or day

In the text of the letter, mention the last day or week you are at work. This gives the organization time to adapt to changes. The organization may ask you to stay longer. Before writing this section, it is better to verbally consult with your manager and agree on a specific date.

5. Thank your colleagues and manager

Although you are leaving the organization, maintaining previous relationships is always helpful and necessary. Therefore, thank your colleagues and managers and mention the good experiences you have had in working with them in one or two lines.

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6. Mention future goals or essential information

If your job is such that colleagues or a substitute should be aware of points, mention them in this section. Discuss these things verbally with your manager. If there is no need for such work, you can say in one or two lines your willingness to cooperate for a faster transfer and your general goals in the future.

7. Mention your contact method

This section is optional and depends on why you are leaving your job. If you want to keep in touch with your colleagues and manager, add this section to your letter.

8. Sign the letter

At the end, please write your name and surname in the left corner and be sure to sign it.

Tips for writing a resignation letter

Tips for writing a resignation letter

Please pay attention to the following points when writing your resignation letter and handing it in to make it better and more effective.

1. Make your letter positive

Regardless of the reason for the resignation, use sentences so that the text is practical and allows you to maintain communication in the future. Emphasize the constructive and positive instead of criticizing or reviewing upsetting events.

2. Deliver your resignation letter in person

Deliver your letter to the recipient(s) in person.

3. Write briefly and usefully

In letter writing, it is necessary to follow the principle of summary writing. Therefore, avoid long talk as much as possible.

4. Pay attention to the resignation process of others

If someone has resigned in the past, pay attention to the exit and transfer process. Consider the experiences of others and employee exit processes when writing the letter and setting the exit date.

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5. Fulfill your manager’s wishes

After handing in your resignation letter, your manager may ask you to complete the remaining tasks or help the new person acclimate. If possible, do what he wants.

Sample resignation letter

Dear Mr./Ms.…………………

(His job title or position)

I will resign from my job because of (….). My last day/week of work will be (….). Working with you and the team (…) during this time was my honor. Thank you and the group members (…..) for this experience, and I wish you success and progress.

I am ready to cooperate to facilitate the process of my departure and replacement (or if my cooperation is needed to replace me, I am willingly prepared). (Depending on the type of job, if you need more explanation about the requirements of your exit process, describe this section in more detail).

(Optional) Thanks again; my contact details are as follows. I will be happy to keep in touch in the future.

(email address and mobile phone number)

With respect

(first name and last name)


Your experience of writing a resignation letter

Have you ever written a resignation letter? Please share your opinions and experiences about writing a letter of termination of cooperation with us.

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