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properties of cinnamon tea; 14 amazing benefits + recipe

Cinnamon tea is a relaxing herbal tea that warms and calms our whole being with a sip. This aromatic and colorful tea is prepared by boiling cinnamon wood or powder in water. It has many health benefits, so its traces can be seen in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. If you are eager to get to know the properties of cinnamon tea, join us so that, in addition to mentioning the numerous benefits of this low-calorie drink, we will teach you how to make it.

Properties of cinnamon tea

1. It is an excellent source of antioxidants

Cinnamon tea is rich in essential antioxidants such as procyanidins and polyphenols. These valuable contents fight free radicals and prevent serious diseases like cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Researchers believe that the amount of antioxidants in cinnamon is much higher than in other herbs and spices.

2. Good for heart health

Cinnamon alone is not a cure for heart disease. Still, along with a healthy diet and a suitable lifestyle, it can cure heart problems faster. According to research, consuming cinnamon tea opens blood vessels, lowers blood pressure and bad cholesterol, and increases good cholesterol. If drinking cinnamon tea is one of your daily habits, ensure healthier blood flows in your veins.

3. It is helpful for skin and hair health

Whatever we say about the properties of cinnamon tea for the skin, we have not said enough. The most important of them is helping to produce collagen, which makes the skin smooth, firm, and hydrated. Also, its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties make it a good treatment for annoying acne. About the effectiveness of cinnamon for strengthening hair, by consuming cinnamon tea, you will not become Rapunzel overnight. Still, thanks to its cinnamaldehyde, it is considered one of the most valuable teas for strengthening follicles and hair growth.

4. Relieves period symptoms

Grandmothers always said drinking a glass of hot tea is a cure for premenstrual muscle pain in women. Eating it was not ineffective either. Its effectiveness cannot be compared with painkillers. Still, according to experience, its consumption warms the body and soothes the pain.

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5. It reduces blood sugar to some extent

According to some research, consumption of cinnamon tea may reduce plasma glucose and improve insulin sensitivity. Drinking this miraculous brew also affects other symptoms related to diabetes. For example, triglycerides, lipoprotein cholesterol, and total blood cholesterol gradually decrease, and blood sugar is steadily regulated.

6. It is not ineffective for weight loss

cinnamon tea

It is impossible to speak with certainty about the properties of cinnamon tea for weight loss. Still, its sound effects cannot be denied either! In one of the studies, daily consumption of 5 teaspoons of cinnamon powder for 3 days was able to eliminate 0.7% of the fat mass of the participants! Reliable information has yet to be available about the consumption of smaller amounts.

7. Reduces inflammation

Did you know that regular consumption of cinnamon tea reduces joint inflammation to a great extent? In addition, cinnamon can weaken various types of inflammation such as asthma, colitis, Crohn’s disease, and rheumatism and restore the lost health of the patient.

8. Relieves cold symptoms

We have brewed cinnamon tea at least once to treat colds and the immune system, and we are familiar with the good feeling after drinking it. The antioxidant properties of this delicious tea strengthen the body’s immune system so that the healing process is faster than ever. Steam of hot tea reduces congestion and relieves sore throat. However, there is still no scientific proof of the effectiveness of the properties of cinnamon tea for colds and its treatment.

9. Relieves stomach upsets

Although it is impossible to speak with certainty about this, according to experience, treating stomach problems is one of the most popular properties of cinnamon tea. Cinnamon contains catechin, a phenolic compound that can slowly suppress the symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease and gradually eradicate problems such as nausea, diarrhea, indigestion, and stomach spasms.

10. It destroys bacteria and fungi

Cinnamon owes its antibacterial properties to bioactive phytochemicals such as cinnamaldehyde and eugenol. Cinnamon extract quickly destroys the bacterial cell membrane, slowing down its movement and the rate of cell division. It also has antifungal properties and fights against all kinds of fungal infections.

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11. It has anti-cancer properties

Another benefit of cinnamon tea, for which we have not yet found any scientific support, is to help eliminate cancer cells! Some traditional medicine experts believe that consuming cinnamon prevents the spread of cancer cells to other parts of the body and increases the body’s power to fight this deadly disease. Science still needs to confirm the claim.

12. Improves brain function


So far, several researches on the properties of cinnamon tea for the brain have been conducted on animals, and all of them have confirmed the benefit of this tea for brain function. Some even recommend daily consumption of cinnamon tea to people who have lost their memory due to brain damage.

13. It is an erection enhancer in men

According to the ancients, the nobles used to burn a small amount of cinnamon bark in the air and smell its smoke at night before going to bed because they believed that one of the essential properties of cinnamon tea for men was to help them get a better erection. Of course, this claim still needs more scientific support and remains at the experience level.

14. It disinfects the uterus of women

One of the properties of cinnamon tea for the uterus is strengthening its readiness for fertility. Suppose you have a habit of consuming cinnamon tea. In that case, the probability of the uterus being too weak to hold the fetus is very low. Also, hormonal disorders that cause ovarian laziness and, in more advanced cases, cause infertility in women can be controlled and treated by consuming cinnamon tea.

Dangers of drinking cinnamon tea

In general, drinking this medicinal brew is relatively safe. Still, knowing some important things about its side effects is good.

  • Possibility of liver damage: coumarin in cinnamon damages the liver if consumed in excess.
  • Chances of mouth sores: If you are allergic to cinnamon, you may get sores or mouth sores after drinking cinnamon tea. The content of cinnamaldehyde in this plant leads to an allergic reaction in some people.
  • Possibility of low blood sugar: daily consumption of this tea reduces blood sugar by a considerable amount.
  • Drug interactions: Cinnamon interacts with drugs prescribed for liver disease or diabetes.
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The right amount of cinnamon tea

Despite its numerous properties, cinnamon tea is not suitable for everyday consumption. According to research, the human body needs 5 milligrams of the micronutrient coumarin daily. In comparison, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder contains 7 to 18 milligrams of coumarin. This means that daily consumption of even 1 teaspoon of cinnamon will be too much for the body.

How to make delicious cinnamon tea

To prepare this simple tea, you need 1 cup of water and 1 stick of cinnamon, which takes 10 minutes to make.

  • First, pour water into a small kettle and heat it until it boils.
  • Add the cinnamon stick and reduce the heat.
  • After 10 minutes, your tea is ready.
  • Remove the cinnamon stick and pour the brew into the cup.

Mix this tea with some honey, ginger, or a little lemon, and drink it hot or cold, depending on your taste. You can even add a plant like chamomile to make it taste more delicious and have more properties.

The last word

Even if we do not know every property of cinnamon tea, we have been consuming this delicious tea and healing medicine for thousands of years. We have seen many times its fantastic effect on small and big problems. If you don’t like the taste of cinnamon tea, you can mix it with other flavorings like ginger or cardamom and drink it several times a week.

Do you know other properties of this tea for cold autumn days? Please share your information with us and our dear companions in the comments section.

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