
Know the most famous dogs in history, From a football player’s dog to a two-meter-tall dog! (+ photo)

Some dogs have become so famous that they have a record in their name. In this report, we have gone to the most famous of them.

 Each of them has become famous for a reason, because of the extraordinary work they are trained for, their amazing looks, the strange intelligence they have and… some of them have even become so famous that they have a record to their name or from The most famous in the virtual world with millions of followers. In this report, we have gone to the most famous of them.

Scared wolves


“Poli dogs” are one of the strongest dog breeds in the world, and they have become famous for their very long and textured hair. From a distance, these dogs look more like balls of tangled yarn than dogs, especially when they are still small.

It still needs to be made clear where the Pollys originated or which country they belong to; it is not even clear when this breed was created. The only historical evidence of this breed dates back to six thousand years ago, and ancient Rome and research has shown that they have been seen in Asia since about two thousand years ago.

Hungary is one of the countries that welcomed this type of dog from the very beginning and used them as herding dogs. Because of their hairy appearance and large body, they scared animals like wolves, and no predatory animal would approach the herd.

Of course, big-money dogs are known as Komendor in Hungary. Now, they are considered native due to the increase of generations in this country. Owners of Polly dogs must regularly trim the thick and abundant hair of this animal because sometimes its hair grows so long that it stretches on the ground and makes it difficult for them to walk.

Mishka, the talking dog


Mishka is a Siberian Husky dog ​​who is claimed to be able to talk instead of barking. He is considered one of the strongest dogs in the world. He has participated in many TV shows and talent shows and has a large number of fans on social networks.

His speaking videos on YouTube have been viewed several million times. Mishka can express words like hello, I’m hungry, and I love you very well.

Hercules, the biggest dog in the world


When the photo of “Hercules” was published in the virtual world in 2007, everyone thought it was a joke and a Photoshop trick, but it didn’t take long before the news of Hercules becoming a Guinness spread all over the world. Hercules is an English bulldog with a neck diameter of 97 cm and a weight of about 128 kg. Hercules’ palms and feet are the size of a baseball.

This three-year-old monster is the heaviest and largest dog in the world and even among its breeds. John Flynn, his owner, says: “Hercules’ nutrition and growth is completely natural, and he doesn’t have any special diet. We feed him the normal food that any other dog eats, and his growth is normal for each year; that is, he doesn’t grow suddenly, but “He keeps getting bigger and bigger.” Of course, the record of the biggest dog in the world, before Hercules, belonged to his mother, with a weight of 134 kg, and after her death, this record went to her son.

A dog with a strange talent


Udi, the salt dog in the movie Garfield, is one of the fictional characters that most people in the world know, but in the real world, there is another Udi who gained many fans because of his strange talent for speaking. Udi, a breed of short Chinese pug dogs, although he seemed very stupid to his owner, was, in fact, a very smart dog who was able to learn seven words and also the phrase “I love you” and pronounce them well.  

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Udi died on January 31, 2008, at the age of five, but his videos still have many visitors on the Internet. Before his death, he played a role or was a co-host in several television programs. Odi had so many fans that many artists and actors sent condolence notes to his owner after his death.

The tallest dog in the world


The name “Freddy” is registered in Guinness as the tallest dog in the world. This Danish dog, with a length of two meters and 15 centimeters, is the tallest and one of the largest dogs in the world that has been able to register a Guinness record.

Clary Stoneman from Essex said in an interview with the Daily Mail: “I’m very fond of Freddie, but we all know how difficult it is to take care of pets, and the older they get, the more difficult it is. Now think about it with a dog. How great are my difficulties?”

An individual weighs 16 kg and is very expensive to maintain. Clary spends about $13,000 a year on maintenance. This four-year-old dog is very fond of lying on the couch, which is why he has destroyed 23 couches so far.

“I come home, and instead of a couch, there’s a pile of foam and clouds on the side of the room,” Clary says. »

Also, a person should walk for 40 minutes a day, and this walk should be during the hours when there are fewer dogs on the street because it will scare them. “I’ll never catch up with him if he decides to run,” Clary says. He can get away from me very quickly with his height, but he comes back quickly.”

The most expensive dog in the world


The most expensive dog in the world is named “Big Splash,” but it was renamed Hong Dong after a Chinese man bought it.

A coal mine owner bought the 11-month-old red-haired dog in March 2011 for £1.6 million. The breed of this Tibetan dog is usually one of the most expensive dog breeds in the world, but none of them had ever been bought at such a price.

Lu Liang, the breeder of this dog, said in an interview with the Daily Mail: “I have spent a lot of money to breed these dogs, and I spend even more of the money I get from selling them to equip their living quarters and food.” Besides being beautiful, Big Splash is very intelligent, but the main reason for its high price is the intense interest that the Chinese have recently found in this type of dog, and they are willing to pay any amount of money to get one of them.

According to reports, Hong Dong now lives in a place worth 10 million yen (£970,000).

Tillman, the skater


“Tillman” is an English bulldog who became famous worldwide for skating. However, this is not the only talent of this dog; he can also surf without the need of his trainer. In 2009, 40-year-old Ron Davis began learning to skate when Tillman was five. Shortly after that, this dog managed to cover a distance of 100 meters in 20 seconds and registered his name in the Guinness Book of Records as the fastest skating dog.

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Tillman didn’t just take the straight path with his skates but also used turns and special shows in the middle of the way. In surfing, Tillman can easily pass over one-meter-high waves and even pass inside the wave.

Of course, Tillman has been learning to surf since 2007. When his surfing video was broadcast on television, 20 million people watched the program in California alone, which is a record in its own right.

The largest in the UK


When standing on two legs, it reaches two meters in height and weighs as much as a baby elephant. This profile of “Balthazar” is the largest dog in England, and it is a Danish dog breed. Balthazar eats 30 kg of food in a month. For this reason, the owner’s most important problem is to find a veterinarian who can stop his excessive weight gain.

Balthazar is about two kilograms heavier than Freddie, the tallest dog in the world. In the past, He was so thin that his ribs were clearly visible, so Ivaine’s family took him to the vet. After a period of treatment, Balthazar suddenly grew significantly.

Astronaut dogs


Before Yuri Gagarin – the first human astronaut – traveled to space on April 12, 1961, about 10 dogs from different countries were sent into space; of course, all of these were orbital flights, and all of these dogs died in these flights. They shook hands  

Between 1950 and 1960, the Russians sent 57 dogs into space, the first of which was called Laika, which went into space on a Sputnik 2 rocket.

On January 29, 1951, the Soviet Union sent two dogs, Tsigan and Dzik, into space on an R-1 rocket. These dogs returned safely after traveling the Earth’s orbit, which was called a suborbital flight. However, on the next flight, when these two dogs were in space, only one of them returned safely, and the other one died.  

Finally, in November 1957, a dog named Laika in the Soviet Union made the first space trip outside the Earth’s orbit and became the first astronaut to make an orbital flight. The poor dog was so scared that his heartbeat could be heard clearly on the space base through the transmitters attached to him. The dog died shortly after the flight due to extreme panic and a malfunction in his oxygen capsule system. Laika was the first living astronaut to orbit the Earth.

Bomb detection dogs


In 2010, after a six-year study and a $19 billion investment, American authorities concluded that dogs’ noses can detect hidden bombs better than any other intelligent system, so they began training bomb-detecting dogs.  

The American National Institute of Technology and Standards—FDA—started training these dogs in cooperation with Lincoln Laboratory and the Food and Drug Administration.

Today, these bomb detection dogs are used in many countries of the world, especially in airports. The interesting thing about these dogs is that if they feel a bomb, they don’t show any reaction and just sit in a corner and observe the person carrying it. Once they are sure, they notify the officers without drawing attention.

Two-headed dog


Vladimir Petrovich Demikhofik was a Russian scientist who, between 1930 and 1950, performed many transplant surgeries on animals, including heart and lung transplants.

More importantly, he was the first person to perform head transplant surgery on a dog. In the process, he made a dog with two heads. In 1959, Demikhov removed the head of a smaller dog and attached it to the body of a larger dog just above the head. The operation took 40 minutes, and both dogs survived the operation. They could see, and each head could independently turn in a direction without being dependent on the other. But they died only four days after the surgery; the bodies of these dogs were dried after death and donated to Meriga Medical Museum in 1988.

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Milly, the smallest dog in the world


Milly is a small dog that is known as a pocket dog and is registered in the Guinness Book of Records as the smallest dog in the world. This dog, which is a breed of Chihuahua, is only about 10 cm tall. Milly was so small when she was born that she was breastfed with an empty eye drop; now, Milly is seven years old and weighs only 450 grams. “My dog ​​is so small that I’m afraid to take her out,” says Millie’s owner, Izil Smler. I’m always afraid of losing it on the street.”

football dog


“Ima” is a dog of the Jack Russell breed and one of the best soccer animals in the world. I’m going to’s owner is pilot Tony Salomon, and it only took him a few months to teach his smart dog how to play soccer. “Ima was only eight months old when she started playing with a ball,” says Tony. At that time, he was just happy to run after the ball.

After some time, he was able to shoot the ball with his legs. I taught him how to shoot his ball at the target. Now, Ima is a professional scorer. “In addition to scoring goals, he is now able to balance the ball on his nose and dribble a long distance with the ball.

I’m going even to try not to let anyone take the ball away from him, just like a real player who knows exactly which goal to hit. He performed 35 shows with the ball last year alone, which were broadcast on many television channels.

Volkosobs, border guards


Apart from the military dogs that were bred for various purposes in Russia, since last year, this country has bred dogs of two breeds of wolves and dogs, which are called volkosobs, to increase the safety of its borders and also to defend its country. These dogs have the size and strength of wolves while being docile, obedient, kind, and intelligent like dogs.  

Of course, the cost of training these dogs is high, at about 2000-3000 dollars for each Volksobz. Still, the Russian army claims that due to their efficiency, the benefits of having them are much more than the money spent on their training. is

Also, the Russian army does not intend to sell these valuable dogs. Still, under special conditions and if necessary, they are leased to certain families for protection, although with very strict conditions.

The ugliest dog in the world


The Chinese crested dog is a hairless breed with hairy tails and ears and often a tuft on its head. These dogs are among the ugliest in the world, although there is a hairy example called Paderpuff. The only difference between crested dogs and other breeds is that they have a layer of hair. Although their name is Chinese, it has nothing to do with China; they are native to Africa.

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