
What exactly does hypnosis do to a person?

helpbestlife: When you hear hypnosis, you probably conjure up the image of a mysterious person waving a pocket watch side-to-side in front of someone… We all have an intense curiosity about hypnosis, and many have asked from the bottom of our hearts. Try it or read about it to get rid of this strange name. But what is hypnosis? Does it have therapeutic effects? How dangerous is it? Read the answers to all these questions below.

Does hypnosis mean sleep?

Hypnosis is a psychological and physiological condition in which the person’s consciousness changes and differs from ordinary consciousness. It is more like sleep but different from rest because the person is conscious. Still, his consciousness is only concentrated in one area. The main feature of this situation is the reduction of the person’s responsiveness to external stimuli and the increase of his suggestibility. The hypnotist uses this state of suggestibility and gives a series of inductions to the person. It is entirely up to the hypnotist to guide the person’s consciousness in which direction. The person’s excessive suggestibility in this state is that the surrounding stimuli have the most minor effect on him, and the concentration level is also very high.


This is not a treatment method.

Many people question whether hypnosis can be a treatment method alone or not. The answer to this question depends on what your definition of treatment is. If our definition of treatment is that some symptoms disappear temporarily, such as if a person has bulimia nervosa or some anxiety, then yes, hypnosis can help in these cases. But if we define the treatment in such a way that a structural and fundamental change occurs in the person so that these symptoms do not return and are permanent, in this case, it must be said that hypnosis cannot do anything, and there is a need for psychotherapy. But in the medical field, a lot of help can be obtained from hypnosis, such as reducing pain in dentistry ev, reducing pain during childbirth, or relieving pain after surgery.

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Does artificial sleep have any side effects?

Because many of our people have a wrong idea about the nature of hypnosis, they mistakenly believe that doing it has or will have a terrible effect on them when hypnosis is not so effective, not for improvement, not For the worse. The effectiveness of hypnosis is straightforward. Still, due to the ambiguity in this process, many who did not have scientific knowledge on this matter exaggeratedly raised the issue.

When a person is in a hypnotic state of sleep, nothing special happens to him; only the person is in a state of high suggestibility. Some people feel worse after coming out of hypnosis because they have fantastic expectations from hypnosis and feel bad when they find that their condition does not meet their expectations.

This is not real babyhood.

In a normal calm state, which is also caused by relaxation, and a person is entirely focused on his memories, many things may be remembered. It is the same in hypnosis; the person is wholly focused on his past by the hypnotist, and as a result, he places a series of memories that he may have forgotten until then due to focusing too much on them.

Of course, they used to believe that a person goes to his unconscious in a state of hypnosis, but in reality, this is not the case; the person is conscious but a focused consciousness under the control of the hypnotist. Returning to childhood is not how many people think a person returns to his youth. Still, because of the hypnotist’s suggestions, the person remembers a part of his childhood that is entirely natural for us to remember our childhood. Even with the hypnotist’s inductions, such as “You are a child now,” the person speaks with a childish tone and tone of voice. But after the end of hypnosis, a person can’t continue to live in his childhood and behave like a child.

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In a particular situation, when we focus on our childhood, we may remember some memories and even feel like children overwhelmed with joy and sorrow. Because of the extremely high concentration level, we remember things we would not usually recognize in that state. Even in the process of psychotherapy, when we focus on the person’s past, he suddenly remembers something that he did not realize until that moment. This is due to how much attention a person gives to that subject.

Can you be hypnotized, too?

There are three primary conditions to be hypnotized:

  • You must be willing to be hypnotized.
  • You have to believe that hypnosis can be done on you.
  • You must be able to be calm and relaxed.

It has been said that a small percentage of people cannot be hypnotized, and some can be easily hypnotized. Still, the majority of people are in the middle range. The level of suggestibility of people determines the severity and weakness of this issue. In general, very imaginative people have a high level of suggestibility.

Can past wounds be healed with hypnosis?

Part of the definition of psychotherapy is to remember the repressed material so that the person brings out those materials from their unconscious and semi-conscious state. During the process of psychoanalysis, many of those memories come out. The emotions associated with those memories and their related feelings come alive. These memories are Repressed to merge with the conscious part of the person.

In psychotherapy, the person is in a state of consciousness, and through free association and dream interpretation, the person’s conscious mind remembers repressed material, but in hypnosis, when the repressed material is placed, it naturally cannot be integrated with the fully aware part of the person’s brain, because The person is in a state of sleep to some extent. The treatment does not take place just by recalling the forgotten memories once. That is, finding insight into suppressed content is not necessarily a cure. A person may gain understanding, but no personality change occurs.

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Suppose the insight that a person finds is different from the cooperation of an experienced expert. In that case, it is like opening a wound without taking care of it because there are some things that the person cannot accept and remember, which is why they are forgotten. Opening and leaving them can have dire consequences. People have to remember these memories many times and throw out and empty different emotions, such as anger or mourning or a sense of revenge, etc., and gradually, under the supervision of an experienced specialist, these emotions are mixed with consciousness, and the changes A personality and structure will be created. But a series of bad habits can be eliminated through hypnosis by inducing disgusting suggestions. Still, they may return because the behavior patterns have not been changed and corrected.

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Can you be hypnotized with a pocket watch?

When a person decides to go to a hypnotist, he has already prepared himself for this flow and given himself the mindset that he will be hypnotized by focusing on a specific external stimulus (clock); other external stimuli can have less effect on him. In hypnosis, by staring at a clock and following the hypnotist’s suggestions, the person does not respond to any other stimuli and only focuses on the clock. After that, the requests are made. When a person repeatedly hears the word sleep in that state of high concentration and high suggestibility because there is a state of relaxation in the phrase rest, he will be in that state.

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