
17 excellent home remedies to treat diarrhea

The worst thing that can happen to you when you’re out is getting diarrhea!

When you have this disease, you cannot concentrate on your daily tasks. The only thing that comes to your mind in this situation is to go to the bathroom. Diarrhea is an annoying complication that dehydrates and weakens the body.

Sometimes, this disease may occur with symptoms such as watery stools, fever, nausea, dehydration, bloating, and abdominal pain. The article we prepared today in helpbestlife will provide 16 home remedies to treat diarrhea. In addition, we provide you with the common causes of this complication and tell you when to see a doctor. Stay with us until the end of the article.

diarrhea scaled

Common causes of diarrhea

You probably don’t know why you sometimes get diarrhea. Some of the common reasons for this complication are examined in the following.

1. Food allergy

Sometimes, the body cannot tolerate the food we eat. The body releases this food as much as possible, which leads to diarrhea.

2. Drinking contaminated water

Have you ever had diarrhea after drinking water? You need to know that contaminated water can cause this disease. So be careful about your water consumption.

3. Intestinal diseases

There are different types of intestinal infections. One of the most common intestinal disorders is irritable bowel syndrome, which can lead to diarrhea.

Treatment of diarrhoea at home

When you have diarrhea, you can use these methods to treat this disease at home.

1. Watery food

Diarrhea causes watery stools. How can eating fluid foods cause hard stools? The answer to this question is that the body can absorb liquid food better. This prevents nutrients from leaving the body through feces. Using soft and watery soups is an excellent option to treat severe diarrhea. As a good food for diarrhea, pulse the soup in a blender until it is pretty. Then eat it. Usually, soups are prepared with healthy and nourishing ingredients, which give you a lot of nutrients after eating them. Soup also helps to keep the body hydrated and is highly effective for treating severe diarrhea in adults and children.

2. yogurt

Yogurt contains good bacteria that help you get rid of diarrhea. Yoghurt also contains various nutrients and provides the body with healthy compounds. It is better to use unflavored yogurt to treat diarrhea at home. Mixing yogurt with fruit makes it tastier.


Yogurt: a bowl

Banana or any other fruit: one

How to use

Eat yogurt with banana or any fruit you like to get rid of the disease soon.

3. BRAT diet

BRAT diet

You may have yet to hear of the BRAT diet. BRAT stands for banana, rice, applesauce, and toast. It is claimed that following this diet is effective in treating diarrhea. Bananas and applesauce used in this diet form a delicious combination. Be careful not to overdo the consumption of the following foods, as this may lead to more stomach discomfort.

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the banana


apple sauce


How to prepare

Eat a small amount of all the ingredients. Be careful not to spread butter on the toast, worsening diarrhea.

4. ginger

Zanhabil is usually used to treat throat problems. Most people are unaware that ginger can also cure some stomach problems. Apart from diarrhea, this beneficial spice also helps relieve stomach aches.




How to use

Grate the ginger root. Then, add a teaspoon of honey and eat the resulting mixture. Do not drink water after eating this mixture. This is said to increase the effectiveness of ginger.

5. mint

mint tea

Many people use mint to flavor various foods and drinks. Mint can be effective in treating stomach-related problems, including diarrhea.


Mint: a few leaves

Hot water: one cup

How to prepare

Wash the mint leaves well. Then boil a glass full of water. Put mint leaves in a glass of hot water. Please wait a few minutes for the mint to return its color. Then, set aside the resulting drink to cool a little. Drink after a few minutes.

6. fenugreek seeds

Fenugreek seeds contain a large amount of slimy and glazed substance called the lab. For this reason, they can help in the home treatment of diarrhea in adults and children.


fenugreek seeds



How to prepare

Chew some fenugreek seeds. You can also add fenugreek seeds to yogurt. Put some cumin in yogurt and eat it. This makes it easier to tolerate the taste of fenugreek seeds. Consume the mentioned mixture three times a day.

7. Chamomile tea

chamomile tea

Chamomile tea has many health benefits. This drink reduces the pain caused by diarrhea. This tea soothes the irritated parts of the digestive system. It can be very effective in quickly treating diarrhea in adults and children.



sour lemon


How to prepare

Put chamomile flowers in hot water for a few minutes. Pass the mixture through a strainer and transfer it to a glass. Take the juice of one lime and add it to chamomile tea. Stir the drink and drink it immediately.

8. apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a combination of various uses and properties. You can use the benefits of apple cider vinegar to treat diarrhea. This combination fights with the bacteria that cause this condition and thus helps to cure diarrhea.


Apple cider vinegar, a glass of water

How to prepare

Take a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and drink a glass of water. If you don’t like the taste of apple cider vinegar, pour a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar into a glass of water and drink it on an empty stomach in the morning. Use this treatment method twice a day to get quick results.

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9. white rice

white rice

Some people dislike eating rice because rice has no unique taste. Mixing rice with different foods can make it tastier. Of course, if you have diarrhea, you should not combine it with other food; you should eat it alone. Rice hardens the stool and thus helps in the home treatment of diarrhea. Be careful not to add spices to the rice.


white rice

How to use

Cook some rice and eat it. You can eat some yogurt with rice.

10. Carrot soup

Carrots are known to have excellent properties for eye health. Of course, increasing eye health is not the only feature of this orange vegetable. Carrots help cure diarrhea faster and provide the body with many vitamins and minerals. The body needs these nutrients for faster recovery.



Half a cup of water


How to prepare

Chop the appropriate amount of carrots and put them in a pot. Add half a cup of water to the pool and put it on the heat. Let the carrots sit on the heat for a few minutes to cook. As the carrots are cooking, add some salt. When the carrots are well cooked, turn off the stove. Pour the carrot soup into a bowl and eat it when it cools.

11. Water

water 2

We have always heard that we should drink about 8 to 10 glasses of water to keep our bodies hydrated. When you have diarrhea, your body is dehydrated, so you must drink more water. To improve the complications of this disease, drink about ten glasses of water during the day so your body does not get dehydrated. If drinking ten glasses of water daily is difficult, you can eat meat and chicken broth. Ensure that the ingredients that worsen diarrhea are not used in meat and chicken broth.

12. Black seed oil

Black seed oil is used to treat other digestive problems. You can get help from this oil to get rid of diarrhea.


Black seed oil

Unflavored yogurt

How to prepare

Pour a small amount of black seed oil into a cup of unflavored yogurt. Stir the mixture well and drink. Eat this mixture after meals. To remove the symptoms, eat a combination of yogurt and black seed oil twice daily.

13. The banana

We said above that bananas help relieve stomach problems. Eating a banana can help stop diarrhea because it has a lot of pectin.


Banana: one

How to use

Eat a banana as a snack, or mix it with unflavored yogurt or nuts. For best results, eat ripe bananas. Keep in mind that unripe bananas may cause digestive problems.

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14. Avoid consuming dairy products (other than yogurt).

Dairy products, including milk, butter, and cheese, worsen diarrhea. Therefore, people suffering from this condition should not eat these products. Also, you should avoid dairy products if you suffer from lactose intolerance. After recovery, you can eat dairy products again.

15. Get enough rest

Suppose you don’t sleep enough and don’t rest. In that case, you are more susceptible to various diseases and complications, and your body becomes weak. Rest is always important, but it is essential if you have diarrhea. When you rest, your body has time to repair and heal itself.

16. Take antibiotics

You may need antibiotics to treat diarrhea caused by bacteria or parasites. In such cases, the disease can occur after consuming contaminated food or water. Remember that this complication is not treated with antibiotics if viral infections cause it.

17. Eggs for diarrhea

Boiled eggs are recommended to treat diarrhea. Of course, you should remember not to use butter, spices, or salt to flavor it.

When should you see a doctor?

Diarrhea usually resolves within a few days. When you get this disease, use the treatment methods mentioned in this article to experience a faster recovery. If this condition lasts over three to four days, you should see a doctor for proper treatment. The doctor can quickly help you eliminate the disease by prescribing the right drugs. Keep in mind that diarrhea may be a symptom of an underlying illness.

What are the most effective diarrhea pills?

As we said above, if you have severe diarrhea, the best thing to do is to see a doctor immediately. The doctor usually prescribes pills such as diphenoxylate, loperamide, dicyclomine, etc., to relieve severe diarrhea, which is very effective in treating this disease. Depending on the doctor’s prescription, these pills should be taken every 6 or 12 hours until the condition stops. Do not prescribe or take medicine alone without a doctor’s advice.

last word

Diarrhea is a complication that anyone may experience. If you experience this condition when you are out and about, you may have trouble finding a restroom. Therefore, you must know the methods of quick treatment. In this article from helpbestlife, we introduced you to the causes and home remedies for treating diarrhea. Among the home tricks to treat this disease are following the BRAT diet, consuming ginger, mint, yogurt, liquid foods, fenugreek seeds, chamomile tea, apple cider vinegar, etc. Do you know a helpful method for the immediate treatment of diarrhea? Please share your thoughts with us and other audiences in the comments section.

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